Digital accessibility training

We draw on our professional expertise and our personal experience with sight loss to bring the topic of accessibility to life.

We’ll talk about what accessibility is and why it matters, cover the key principles of digital accessibility, then focus on practical steps you can take to make your online content accessible and inclusive.

  • £45 + VAT per person for 2-12 people

  • £75 + VAT per person 2-12 people

  • Prices available on request


“Myself and the team are so appreciative of the knowledge you provided. We all came away having learned a lot and it feels great knowing that there are actions we can start implementing today to make our work more accessible.”

— Attendee at a 1-hour digital accessibility training session

Leah is sitting on a sofa reading a book about digital accessibility, with her laptop next to her.
A slide from a presentation on accessibility. The text says "It's good for business! Businesses lose approximately £2 billion a month by ignoring the needs of disabled people. 69% of people with access needs will simply leave a problematic website."